VIDEO post-production

Editing. Telling a story with image and sound. This is where a project comes to life before your very eyes. There's an abundance of button-pushers out there. Anyone can learn how to use editing software. But, can you edit? Can you tell a story. Our clients understand that we know how to do that.

Whether it's editing a project we've produced from the beginning or working with an independent producer, production company, or in-house video department of a major corporation, we can create a video program that communicates your message.

If your project needs motion graphics, 3D animation, voice-over, or original music, we can take care of that too.

We maintain multiple Media 100 and Final Cut Pro editing suites and can acquire footage from a variey of tape formats.

Need VHS tapes or DVDs of your finished project? No problem. We can duplicate short-run VHS and S-VHS tapes as well as DVDs on our in-house video dub rack and DVD duplicator. If you need large quantities of videtapes or DVDs we can manage the production process with a number of our external duplicators.

We can also encode your finished program for use on a CD-ROM or for dissemination on the web.


| video production | video post-production | motion graphics | 3d animation |
| video documentary | medical video | video art installation | UNIMOG